5 Must-Try Secrets to Build Your Immune System by Jen Meister
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been experiencing some crazy cold and flu symptoms this winter season! My kids, clients, and a long list of other people—everyone seems to be feeling so run down. And forget about the flu shot! So many people that I’ve talked to say this year’s flu shot isn’t covering the flu that’s going around.
How do you protect yourself? With my must-try secrets to build your immune system of course!
As most of you know, I’m all about exploring, experimenting, and experiencing different supplements and products that are out on the market. I’d say I’m the queen of the supplement drawer in my house! As you can imagine, I’ve been hell bent on researching the best (well, what I think are the best) alternative products out there to combat all of the germs in our atmosphere this winter!
Keep in mind, these products aren’t going to cure you, but they will support your immune system during the cold, flu, and belly bug season. And whose immune system couldn’t use a bit of help, right?
Support is the pivotal word here. As a practitioner, my belief is not to support yourself in only one part of your life. Whether it’s nutrition, supplements, exercise, mental health, or spiritual health, you need to support the varied parts of your life. Why? Because you are a WHOLE. You have many parts that you might view as separate, but my practice for myself and my clients is to marry those parts of you to gain balance, perspective, and a sense of wholeness.
With that said, the products I recommend in this article offer support for your health in so many ways because when you feel healthy, you have the opportunity to look deeper into those other areas of your life. You have a chance to find your balance and wellbeing for yourself as a whole, not just a bunch of disparate parts. Amen!
Now, it’s time to share some of my must-try secrets to build your immune system and protect yourself, not just from those pesky winter germs but also to support your whole self.